Do I qualify for assistance?
We are aware that there are many that qualify for the pantry, but do not come to us.
Now may be the time to start. Pantry income qualifications are much higher than SNAP, and a completely separate program.
Below is a comparison of the income eligibility thresholds for TEFAP vs. SNAP.
If you are currently enrolled in SNAP, you automatically qualify for pantry assistance
The Food Bank of Central New York is a vital resource for our pantry, as well as the people it serves in our community.
For information about SNAP in Jefferson County, please contact:
Molly Johnson, NOEP Coordinator
(866) 839-7304 option 4
(315) 437-1899 ext. 279
2024 SNAP Eligibility
Income Guidelines
SNAP benefits can help you put healthy food on the table. SNAP monthly benefits can be used to purchase food at authorized retail food stores.
SNAP benefits are provided through an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card, similar to a bank debit card or credit card. If you are eligible, an EBT account is set up for you, and every month your benefits will be deposited right into your account.
Click the link below to check the latest SNAP income eligibility guidelines
*Households with individuals over 60 and/or disabled or paying for child or adult day care, use guidelines for seniors.
2024 TEFAP Eligibility Income Guidelines
Effective January 2023, the New York State TEFAP eligibility guidelines concerning products for household consumption were updated to at or below 225% of the federal income poverty levels. The table below has been updated to reflect this change.
Recipients are also categorically eligible for TEFAP products for household consumption if they participate in one or more of the following programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).